MAKC Bear Cave Beginner Trip
Easy beginner trip suitable for families and dogs. Contact Tom Metzgar for details
Easy beginner trip suitable for families and dogs. Contact Tom Metzgar for details
Annual Old-Timer’s Reunion, Dailey, West Virginia. Must be a member of The Robertson Association to attend. For additional information visit
Fall Mid-Appalachian Region (MAR) Meet, Newville Lions Fairgrounds, Newville, PA (near Shippensburg). Hosted by York Grotto, 60th Anniversary.
The 2019 Fall VAR is tentatively scheduled for September 27-29 at Friars Hole Cave Preserve near Renick, WV.
TAG Fall Cave-In. For details visit
Arrival time will be at 6:00 p.m. with the tour starting at 6:15 sharp. They will be giving us the cheapest group rate of $5 per person with a minimum of 12 Dinner at the Warwick afterward