York Grotto

The York Grotto is a local chapter (an Internal Organization) of the National Speleological Society (NSS). We consist mostly of cavers from the York-Lancaster-Harrisburg area, but welcome cavers from anywhere. We are committed to the study, enjoyment and preservation of caves.

We conduct hands-on training and field trips to orient new members to the equipment, safety procedures, methods and precautions necessary for the successful exploration and conservation of these limited and fragile natural resources. We have a library of cave related books, publications, and maps. We have a long history of working with youth groups, Venture Crews, and BSA Troops.

Our meetings, which typically start with a caving-related program or presentation, are open to anyone interested in caving. Please join us at 7:00 p.m. the last Tuesday of most months in the “back meeting-room” of Johns Diner, 146 Sheraton Dr, New Cumberland, PA.   For more information please  contact us  thru this website, or via our  facebook page



You can also participate in York Grotto meetings virtually:

York Grotto Meeting

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/wwh-izew-uws

map/directions John’s Diner:

Cave Chat

Flickr Photos

York Grotto

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